General Environmental Support Services – a Virginia Power Company Environmental Services

Aegis has provided general environmental support to a Virginia power company under successive multi-year contracts since 2001.  

Projects for both Electric and Gas services have included air permitting and compliance, EMS development and gap analyses, EPCRA reporting, database development and management, SPCC plans, nutrient credits and offsets, visible emissions evaluations, training development and delivery, compliance audits, station and construction Environmental Compliance Coordinators (ECC) and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans.

A Virginia Power Company's Supplier Diversity Development Program

In 2016, Aegis was one of the two top suppliers throughout a Virginia power company to be chosen to participate in the Supplier Diversity Development Program.  Criteria for participation was project performance, staff experience, qualifications, and financial stability.  Aegis consistently scores at the highest performance rating levels on work performed for the Virginia power company.