Mr. Bonds has over 25 years of experience in environmental engineering, including NSR, PSD, major nonattainment and Title V air permitting in the eastern U.S., development of compliance strategies for NESHAPs and NSPS, and development of Risk Management Plans, including off-site consequence analyses, control technology analyses and air dispersion modeling. He was formerly with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality air modeling section as a colleague of the current chief modeler for the Commonwealth.
Mr. Bonds extensive experience includes development of many NSR permit applications for a variety of facilities, including power production, manufacturing facilities, major universities, landfills, and combined heat and power facilities combusting such fuels as coal, natural gas, oil, biomass, tire-derived fuels and recycled oil. He has successfully negotiated modeling protocols and results with regulatory agencies in cases involving complex terrain and meteorological data issues. His extensive air permitting experience includes the identification of federal, state and local applicable requirements and development of BACT and LAER analyses for many varying sources in multiple states.