Regulatory Alert - February 2019

Aegis extends this brief regulatory update:

Seattle Agency to Regulate Carbon Fuel like a State Agency

Puget Sound Clean Air Agency is about to become the first jurisdiction smaller than a state to impose a low carbon fuel standard.  The standard is planned for the metro Seattle area, and would provide incentives for the use of alternative fuels and blends that produce less greenhouse gas pollution than traditional gasoline or diesel fuels.  It is expected that the rule will be adopted by the end of 2019.

Virginia Emissions Trading Program

Virginia is Reproposing a Regulation for an Emissions Trading Program. The purpose of the regulation is to control CO2 emissions and is being developed in order to satisfy an Executive Directive from Governor McAuliffe. The regulation would implement a declining cap on carbon emissions for electricity generating facilities. A particular concern regarding this cap and trade rule to manufacturers and residents is the cost impact which could be significant. To see the reproposed rule, click here and go to page 1404. The public comment deadline is March 6, 2019.

Aegis Update: Read our interview with Jessica Gunter, Shield(R) Program Director on our Blog page:

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